Osteopathic manipulations: Why are they so effective?

manipolazioni osteopatiche

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that involves the manipulation of certain parts of the body, focusing in particular on the world of the back, neck and head.

This natural method treats several pathologies without using drugs but using an asymptomatic approach. Whoever does this therapy in fact, does not settle for solving the symptom but seeks to deepen the search for the cause of any suffering that can be found not only in the nerve center, but also in another area.

Being a manual therapy, osteopathic manipulation and osteopathy itself are considered an alternative medicine and recognized by the World Health Organization.

Osteopathic manipulation

The techniques used to treat osteopathy are considered manual handling techniques that are diversified according to the objective they pose.

You can distinguish:

  • direct manipulation intended to correct the affected area and a new evaluation of the correct functionality
  • Indirect manipulation , better known in the field, performs the opposite function. These traumatic and painless maneuvers act by forcing the body to actions that alone would not, “go where you do not want to.”

Osteopathic manipulations and reference categories

In general, manipulations use different methods and treatment techniques that are used depending on the therapeutic needs.

They stand out in three main categories:

  1. The osteoarticulars, direct techniques aimed at correcting the spatial positions of the joints along its axis of movement. These techniques have a great influence on the neurological system since they act on the mechanical system and seek to facilitate the correct pulses from and to the ends of the treated part. During the application of these techniques, there is no need to practice force or practice levers. It is only to practice these manipulations with the appropriate precision so as not to incur any type of damage.
  2. Visceral manipulations restore the mobility and motility of the vitality of a cell to an organ. Through these movements, the osteopath can stimulate the organ to a more correct function of absorption and expulsion in both the mechanical and biochemical fields. In addition, through intestinal massage, it is also about understanding and solving any problem that falls on the spine. In fact, anatomically and functionally there is a true relationship between the internal organs and the musculoskeletal structure.This type of treatment aims, through the abdomen and diaphragm, to restore good mobility of both the internal organs and the skeletal structure. Along with visceral manipulations, manipulations are also performed in the myofascial area, that is, the area that involves the muscles and bands.
  3. The cranial manipulations consist of readings skulls and spine of the patient to establish contact with the rhythm of the sacral skull and have the ability to stimulate and support. In addition, craniosacral massage can also positively affect the entire body through all connections in that area from a neurological point of view. Through these maneuvers, it is possible to act in particular on the vitality of the body, allowing the body to react effectively to disturbance events created by endogenous and exogenous causes.

Benefits of osteopathic manipulation

Osteopathy, therefore, can help the patient through a methodology that focuses on mood disorder through body analysis, developing various symptoms to bring the subject to wellness. psychic and physical.

This practice uses a manual and non-invasive treatment to restore the ability of all body structures to perform their function in the correct way.

That is why it is a manipulation used to solve many problems associated with different devices, not just skeletal muscle.

Osteopathic maneuvers and causes of discomfort

Osteopathy and the use of osteopathic maneuvers mainly address the structural and mechanical problems of the musculoskeletal functional area associated with the malfunctioning of the internal organs and the sacral skull system.

These problems can have the most varied causes.
If we take, for example, the constant use of an incorrect posture, this can cause:

  • problems related to pyroids , that is, stomach burns;
  • constipation (constipation);
  • Cranio-sacral problems as headaches from mild to severe (headache);
  • dysmenorrhea (pains and problems associated with the menstrual cycle).

It is only through osteopathy, through a human view of the human body , that it is possible to solve several problems for a common cause. Likewise, it is proposed to solve problems related to the musculoskeletal area by stabilizing the organ-visceral system.

The benefits also benefit people of all ages and is effective in solving various disorders that impede daily life with serenity, such as:

  1. lumbago,
  2. sciatica
  3. arthritis
  4. Headaches
  5. Joint and muscle pain
  6. neuralgia
  7. congestive conditions,
  8. sinus
  9. Gynecological and digestive disorders of various causes and varieties

How does the osteopath achieve a valid result?

The osteopath, during the visit to which the patient is subject, contemplates the possibility of hearing, thinking and seeing the patient and their discomfort.

Precisely with this, after a careful analysis, is able to determine what is the
cause of the problem and the various consequences that led to the symptoms.

The human body, in fact, once it is determined that there is a pain in a certain area, continually tries to compensate for this disturbance in other joint parts in such a way as to compensate and eliminate the problem.

Many times, however, this involuntary action creates a series of parallel disturbances, such as an abnormal posture or the presentation of painful symptoms of a part of the body that may not coincide with the origin of the pain.

During the treatment, however, the doctor takes measurements on the mechanical and neurophysiological aspect of the individual through the palpation of the tissues.

Have you ever thought about improving the knowledge of your doctor or physiotherapist?

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