Spinal manipulations and herniated disc

Vertebral manipulations are also an effective remedy to solve intervertebral problems, since they allow modifying and restoring the formatted patterns due to exogenous and endogenous causes. These systems are characterized by purely mechanical events and, through spinal manipulation, it is possible to return the spinal column to physiological movement.

The herniated disc and the intervertebral disc

Between the vertebrae are positioned the intervertebral discs, “shock absorbers” consist of an outer part in the form of a fibrous annulus, said ring and an inner part of soft consistency, said nucleus pulposus and constituted by 90% in water, whose purpose is to distribute to all disk forces that force it.

Generally, the point on the disc that is hit by any trauma, as well as the point where the disc hernia occurs is the area immediately below the nerve root that, by creating a direct pressure on the nerve, can cause pain, radiates to the lower extremities of the feet. This is in case of lumbar or lumbar hernia.

This displacement of the disc material can take place in the central area or laterally to the vertebrae but the most commonly herniated discs are between the fourth and fifth vertebral lumbar segment (L4-L5) and between the fifth lumbar and the first sacral segment, or L5 It is said that S1 constitutes more than 90% of the lumbar disc hernias, causing N5 nerves or S1 pain.

The herniated disc: causes, symptoms and manifestations

The most common symptom that distinguishes the type of herniated disc is definitely the pain, which is at the level of the buttock, but can also extend along the back of the thigh and, sometimes, even on the outside of the calf.
The intense and constant pain is caused by the pressure on the root of the nerve that often begins as a simple back pain but then reaches the leg.

The pain can also be caused by nerve irritation caused by nerve structures and compression of the vessels that in turn push the nerve structures.

Some recent studies, however, consider how pain is caused not only by compression of the nerve in the nerve but also by the production of irritating chemicals that can inflate the nerve root.

Other symptoms that may indicate the presence of herniated disc are:

  • Urinary problems (retention and incontinence)
  • Loss of strength in the upper and lower extremities;
  • The loss or decrease in sensation in the area of ​​the course that would be in contact with a saddle, that is, the perineum;
  • The decrease in rectal sphincter tone correlates with a varying amount of pain.
  • Lumbar pain such as witch attack or back pain;
  • Lower root radicular pains together with sciatica, cruralgia and brachialgia as a result of the stimulation of the nerve roots that emerge from the spinal column;

The hernia, acting from a foreign body, compresses the root, causing pain and causing sensory disturbances, progressive deficits of force in those parts of the body whose nerves come from the compressed root.

Causes of herniated disc

Disco hives are often caused by traumas of various types and genders and by poor posture over time. Usually, in the patient’s history there is a history of weight lifting associated with flexion or torsion. In the same way, other possible causes can be imminent falls, car accidents and falls from a height that can create disc arthritis.

Spinal manipulation and herniated disc: therapies

The treatment of herniated disc can be divided into two categories:

  • Conservative therapy that can be done by spinal manipulation, which is the preferred method in case you do not suffer from serious diseases;
  • Surgery, reserved for those with signs and symptoms that require urgent decompression and who do not want to waste time with manipulations, as they already experience.
    manipolazioni vertebrali e ernia discale
  • The most commonly performed process for the treatment of herniated disc and lumbar disc herniation is known as lumbar discectomy or microlombare and is an operation carried out normally with a small incision of approximately 2/3 cm.

But there are also other types of surgery in which you can submit, even though you have chosen surgery it would be good to choose anyway to undergo spinal manipulation treatments by health professionals, such as the doctor and the physiotherapist, to Try it anyway to avoid surgery that might not resolve either. Other techniques for treating lumbar hernia include removing the subcutaneous disk (mechanical or laser).

Spinal manipulation and herniated disc: treatment

The OMT treatment or the treatment of the marrow use maneuvers of manipulation, manipulation and mobilization in order to reduce the pressure on the nerve root and, consequently, the intensity of the pain. These teciche, in fact, thanks to the use of appropriate techniques, on the one hand, helps to reduce compression and inflammation caused dall’ernia and, secondly, it arises as a corrective element to solve those small dysfunctions that can be considered as causes of a postural discomfort
This therapeutic combination not only leads to a physical improvement that would result in pain relief, but also, in the long term, the improvement of the general posture of the individual.

Recall that, essential, is the contribution and skill of the operator. Your task, in fact, will lead to the identification of the cause of the pain and, through the following steps:

  • Correcting any negative probability
  • Direct the patient towards healthy habits that can improve the quality of life;

Manipulative treatment should not be understood as a substitute for conventional treatments, but as a concrete help to achieve the objectives of conventional medicine.

The manipulative intervention can help the patient even before or after surgery to avoid the appearance of those factors that have led to the formation of the previous pathology.

Have you ever thought about improving the knowledge of your doctor or physiotherapist?

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