Being a physiotherapist

This is my version, of course, but I’m sure many of you will feel identified with what I’m about to say …

There will be times when you will appreciate this work for all that it has given you and will make you come, but surely you will also find moments in which this work will make your life difficult and your mind and your heart full of paralyzing doubts.

You will find yourself dancing in balance between these two fundamental aspects of this profession and, unfortunately, you will not have much time to reflect because there will always be a patient in front of you who must be careful and you must decide what to do and not have doubts to do so. It really helps!

If this profession is for you, one day, your patient will have to remind you to pay and not vice versa, or You will discover that you have paid to help some patients that have enriched your person so much

On a good day, however, like all the people who are doing a job of help, you will have to deal with ingratitude, and this is my friend the highest price you have to be willing to pay if you want to do this profession for a long time. weather. It will not be easy for you to say it, but it will be worth it for an unholy person there will be 1000 of them who with their gratitude will fill your life with joy.

The mistakes that are made torment you, but it will make you a physiotherapist and a better person, you always have to be willing to apologize and blame yourself even if it is not easy, but you must always do it and keep being the trump card to become great .

Do not be ashamed to cry over the death of a patient you have treated, you may feel that it is unfair and dysfunctional and could make you even lose faith in God or think about quitting this job, because it has happened to me. Trust me, it’s only when you’re about to throw in the towel that you wonder why I’m doing this job and if you can overcome that moment, it’s going to be a turning point that will make you make a difference in your personal life and professional.

Finally, I can tell you that if you are a better person today, chances are you have to do this work and the patients that you have met, are surely grateful for this and feel fortunate. If life takes you to another point, nothing happens, The important thing is that you have always put your heart to help one another , because as a false rhetoric says, if you do not love your neighbor there is no a technique that can do the “miracle” but only you with everything you can do.


Marco Aruffo physiotherapist

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