Manual therapy, important for our health!

Manual therapy is an internationally recognized tool to prevent, evaluate and treat some types of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system.

These therapies are usually carried out through the use of hands and, for this reason, we refer to all those therapies that use the upper extremities as a treatment method such as osteopathy, my fascial therapy and therapy tape.

Manual vertebral therapy not only represents the well-being of the patient but also an indispensable method for the therapist through which he practices a global functional evaluation of the subject under treatment. It does not compete with the medical diagnosis but rather: it compares the dysfunction of the locomotor system and the symptoms of the patient, trying to improve the relationship.

Manual therapy and its definition

Several are more or less generic definitions of manual therapy that have alternated over time and also depend on the different schools of thought that have taken the floor.

To indicate a valid and accurate definition, reference is made to IFOMPT that in Cape Town in 2004 approved the first definition of this therapy, which is still used in medical records.

Manual orthopedic therapy (OMT) is nothing more than “a specialization in physiotherapy for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal pathologies. These maneuvers are carried out through clinical reasoning that makes use of specific treatment approaches, manual techniques and therapeutic exercises. “

This treatment is considered a real medical act based on forced passive mobilization that tends to restore balance to its physiological play without exceeding the anatomical limit of movement.

Therapy and manual lenses

Precisely through its definition, it is possible to understand the objectives pursued by this therapy:

  • Treatment of painful symptoms;
  • Mobilize hipomateness, acquire mobility and maintain it;
  • Stabilization of hypermobility through targeted exercises that can affect the tissue band with information from training sessions and therapeutic information in progress to seek a treatment aimed at resolving pain symptoms.

Manual therapy and sources

Manual therapy has very ancient origins almost as much as the medical art itself.

In fact, there are testimonies from the Middle East and Far East that confirm the use of manual therapies as common practices 4000 thousand years ago.

The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates was the first character to make extensive use of these techniques and devoted some volumes to some types of levers used to treat spinal deformities, as well as the usefulness of manipulations in the treatment of problems in the joints.

Galen, on the other hand, referred to mechanical traction and, in particular, dealt with the manipulations and their effectiveness in the case of sciatica and vertebral pain.

From the sources, in fact, there are some testimonies about it: it is said that Galen managed to cure the historic Pausania of a severe pain in the arm through manipulation in the cervical spine.

Manual vertebral therapy and directions

The manual therapy is carried out through the painless and controlled manipulation of the spine.

Although this term is generally used as a synonym for the spine, in fact, in the spine are included, in addition to the part of the bone:

  • Blood vessels;
  • The nerves;
  • Spinal cord;
  • Legs;
  • Vertebral discs;
  • Muscles

In general, manual therapy is performed in:

  • Cervical rash In general, pains of cervical origin can be projected above or below the spine. Some headaches, in particular, are caused by inflammation of this area, which is characterized by acute pain, head circumference and vomiting.
  • Dorsal eruption. Dorsal pain is a very common condition and is a common symptom in all ages. In general, the pain in the spine is intense, but rarely creates problems that are not very difficult to cure. Very often the back pain is confused with the symptoms of low back pain :. In fact, the cause of the pain is in the level of the back as neck pain usually projected back problems
  • lumbar spine. Low back pain is usually manifested through particular pathologies, especially radiculopathy whose symptoms are detectable through semiotic orthopedic maneuvers. Despite being the main pathology, the abdominals and sciatica can also benefit from manipulative treatments even in the acute phase.

After highlighting the areas where manual therapy can be performed, this technique can be considered an effective method to solve:

  • Cervical origin and brachialgia;
  • Thoracic back pain, low cost and vertebral cost;
  • Lumbar diseases, cruralgia and sciatica, also of thoracic origin;
  • The Coccigodinie.

Therapy, history and manual examination

Manual therapy is a discipline that follows the principles of the physiopathology of traditional medicine.

The whole benefit of spinal manual therapy depends on the manipulation of the spine so that the professional, through a painless technique, allows him to perform the rotation, lateral flexion, flexion and / or extension at the level of the vertebral segment chosen for the manipulative technique.

Precisely for this reason, manual therapy is considered and can be evaluated as a real medical therapeutic gesture, whose maneuvers must be defined in advance through the complete medical history and a general objective that, as usual, is outlined through the improvement of client / patient conditions.

The seriousness and the professional method that will also meet to solve the problem will be the essential potential that adequately perform a physical examination, as well as the search for painful minor intervertebral disorder (DDIM).

The DDIM is the crucial moment of manual therapy, since the evaluation must be carried out with precision.

The meticulous investigation of the disease, in fact, is the first step to find out the cause of the pain also to understand the signs and exclude any contraindication. For some diseases, in fact, manual vertebral therapy is not a source of benefits, but is in itself a cause of pain, such as severe osteoarthritis.

The DDIM addition of causing pain, changing the texture of the tissues in the dermatome and determines the modification of sensitivity.

Have you ever thought about overcoming your doctor or physiotherapist?

Through my courses, you can take advantage of a professional and specialized training, as well as learn and deepen one of the most effective manipulations for the patient, spinal manipulation.

We have created step-by-step video tutorials for you that can help you discover how to apply these techniques so that they are operational as of NOW.

Click here to obtain more information!