Spinal manipulation risks: are lumbar and cervical techniques really dangerous?

Spinal manipulation belongs to the field of manual medicine and medical discipline. As such, it is either, like a normal symptomatic visit, is carried out through: Preliminary visit Diagnosis, Treatment Prevention of functional masculinity, that is, common headache and upper and lower extremities. Manual medicine, moreover, represents a consolidated and internationally codified medical science and…

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Osteopathic manipulations: Why are they so effective?

manipolazioni osteopatiche

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that involves the manipulation of certain parts of the body, focusing in particular on the world of the back, neck and head. This natural method treats several pathologies without using drugs but using an asymptomatic approach. Whoever does this therapy in fact, does not settle for solving the symptom but…

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Spinal manipulation: where, how and why?

Spinal Manipulation Therapy is nothing more than a decisive and dry micromovement that involves a segment of the spine. The sudden stretching of the muscles surrounding the vertebrae, the disc and the vertebral joints is the objective that this type of treatment poses and that the operator tries to perform with safety and professionalism. In…

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