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Myofascial Expert Course

If you want to learn how to apply the 122 MOST EFFECTIVE MYOFASCIAL TECHNIQUES through a simple and quick reasoning, this is FOR YOU

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Spinal Manipulation Course

If you are fascinated with SPINAL MANIPULATIONS as I am, I present you the course you have always been waiting for. This video course has been specially designed for all health professionals who want to raise their professional level to a great extent.

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Peripheral Manipulation Course

If you are fascinated with PERIPHERAL MANIPULATIONS as I am, I present you the course you have always been waiting for. This video course has been specially designed for all health professionals who want to raise their professional level to a great extent.

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Immediate Treatments Course

If you already know the Vertebral and Peripheral Manipulations and want to solve most of the musculoskeletal disorders of your patients, in the best and shortest time possible, then you must have this course.

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Physiotherapy and Nutrition

Have you had or do you have patients with longer healing times than expected? With persistent pains despite regular treatments? If your answer is yes, this is the course you've been waiting for.

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Marco Musorrofiti

I finally found the video course that I always dreamed of since I was a student. The manipulation techniques explained with extreme simplicity, make this course an useful tool for all physiotherapists.

Marco Musorrofiti Physiotherapist- [email protected]
Filippo Andreani

The simplicity way that Marco used to explain and to show the techniques, combined with the excellent quality of the videos and frames, is enough to make this collection a true training course that has nothing to envy to the most part of events organized everyday in Italy.

Without any doubt it is a valid tool for those who already have experience in manual medicine, and for those who for the first time approach this beautiful world.

Filippo Andreani Physiotherapist - [email protected]
Enricomaria Mattia

The techniques are well explained and the theoretical and broad part of the iconography, but not as a substitute for the live course. This video course is a valid tool for both doctors and physiotherapists who want to approach manual therapy and, in particular, manipulations, so I recommend recommending it.

Enricomaria Mattia Surgeon - Fisiatra - [email protected]
Marco Ferrara

This is a work, in my opinion, indispensable for those who approach the profession and for those who, despite of the experience already acquired, will appreciate the enormous amount of stimuli that comes from the analysis of this work.

Marco Ferrara Physiotherapist - [email protected]
Christianpasquale Visciano

The video course is very interesting and well done. The techniques are simple and are explained exhaustively. The recording is done professionally with the appropriate and useful educational frameworks. Very good for Marco who made me get into the game in a very discussed and debated field. The course is available for specialists in the field and is a didactic material for a practical theoretical course of manipulations.

Christianpasquale Visciano Osteopath - Physiotherapist and teacher of the "UniversitĂ  di Chieti "- [email protected]
Daniele Vai

I bought Marco Aruffo’s course: great!
Marco did an excellent job. It has great maneuverability and has managed to develop a complex question as complex as vertebral and joint manipulations. In the videos there are classic techniques reviewed by himself.
I recommend it to all colleagues!

Daniele Vai Physiotherapist - [email protected]
Andrea Bassani

A video course very well structured and made with excellent and exhaustive shots: the techniques are explained and illustrated in a simple, clear and complete manner. The utility of Mark is absolutely appreciative, so the execution of each manipulation is more clear, well explained and very understandable. The work is complemented with two manuals rich of paper, full of images, where both the theoretical and practical part are well illustrated, in a synthetic, accurate and complete way.

I would like to recommend this work to colleagues “with experience” and more to those who simply want to approach manual medicine and are particularly concerned with manipulations.

Andrea Bassani Physiotherapist - [email protected]

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